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Referral Services

Laboratory Referral Services

We routinely use the services of the Atlantic Veterinary College Diagnostic Lab in Charlottetown.  We can obtain results for blood, urine, and stool tests.  The test results are evaluated by a specialist who is available to discuss the case with, if necessary.  This is particularly helpful in complicated medical cases when a second opinion is valuable.

Radiology Referral Services

For x-ray and ultrasound images we use Southland Veterinary Services to read and analyze your pets images. The images are reviewed by Dr. LeeAnn Pack, a board certified radiologist, and are discussed with your Abegweit veterinarian. This service is especially helpful for complicated medical conditions when a second opinion is valuable. 

Veterinary Specialist Referrals

For those procedures or conditions that require the services of a specialist, we will arrange a referral visit. In most cases this is an immediate referral, however, there are occasions when we have to wait for a visiting specialist to come to the island (for chronic problems only).